Tales Of The Supernatural - Extended Cut [OV]

20161889 Min.

Special extended cut with more gore. The Demon is a fallen angel, banished to our earth in search of 666 souls before lucifer will let him leave. Tales of the supernatural contains six bone-chilling, blood-curdling, nightmare-inducing short films that link together to reveal a shocking truth.

Genres:Drama, Fantasy, Horror

Regisseur:Steven M. Smith, Daniel Johnson (Segments Bryan's Daughter, Paralysis)

Besetzung:Bruce Payne, Jon Campling, Giles Alderson, Patrick Rowe, Jeremy Hill, Debra Baker, Mia Baker, Nina Hatchwell, Lynsey Pow, Juliet Lundholm, Joe Shefer, Jon-Paul Gates


Zu Amazon Prime Video hinzugefügt:30.3.2021

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